Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am a very passionate person about very few things. My family is the number one priority in my life, and when they are hurting so am I. I have watched my brothers in good and bad relationships in the past, and I know that David is really in a good place in his life, he has a job that he likes, has a fiance, and has a beautiful baby boy! He really seems to have it together for once, and is able to be independent and able to provide a life for his new family. Andrew on the other hand makes me worry. He just dates the wrong girls! I just dont get it, they all seem so great in the beginning and then its like BAM they drop a huge bomb, they are cheaters, or crazy, or just boring. He seems to gravitate toward the pretty and crazy ones! They are all so great but then you hear the shit they do you are just in awe that they think that is normal! The latest one was the first one in a LONG time that I really really I am not feeling the same way. Its like she turned into someone that I didnt think that she was! I dont know I know that he needs to fight his own battles and do what he needs to do, I just wish that he could step back and see the situation for what it is, a lost cause. I really think that he needs to cut his losses and just be single and happy for awhile. But I guess its easier said than done!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Things havent been the best around here when it comes to money. There just isnt enough of it, Joe works what he can and every week we fall just short! I really need to start working again, and soon. I know that things are not going to get better at this rate, and I cant stand to be this stressed out about it. I have put in quite a few applications and still havent heard a thing :( I am hoping and praying that something pans out cause we cant live like this for much longer!