Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am a very passionate person about very few things. My family is the number one priority in my life, and when they are hurting so am I. I have watched my brothers in good and bad relationships in the past, and I know that David is really in a good place in his life, he has a job that he likes, has a fiance, and has a beautiful baby boy! He really seems to have it together for once, and is able to be independent and able to provide a life for his new family. Andrew on the other hand makes me worry. He just dates the wrong girls! I just dont get it, they all seem so great in the beginning and then its like BAM they drop a huge bomb, they are cheaters, or crazy, or just boring. He seems to gravitate toward the pretty and crazy ones! They are all so great but then you hear the shit they do you are just in awe that they think that is normal! The latest one was the first one in a LONG time that I really really I am not feeling the same way. Its like she turned into someone that I didnt think that she was! I dont know I know that he needs to fight his own battles and do what he needs to do, I just wish that he could step back and see the situation for what it is, a lost cause. I really think that he needs to cut his losses and just be single and happy for awhile. But I guess its easier said than done!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Things havent been the best around here when it comes to money. There just isnt enough of it, Joe works what he can and every week we fall just short! I really need to start working again, and soon. I know that things are not going to get better at this rate, and I cant stand to be this stressed out about it. I have put in quite a few applications and still havent heard a thing :( I am hoping and praying that something pans out cause we cant live like this for much longer!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

26 facts about me

1. I love my kids more than anything in the world
2. I love to shop, far more than any person should
2. I baby my kids to much, but I know one day I will look back and be glad that I did
3. I think that I have a pretty great life, its not perfect, but its mine!
4. I am very grateful for my family, they mean everything to me
5. I miss all my friends, I don't get to see them enough. 
6. I grew up so much in the past 5 years
7. I love to cook and bake
8. I HATE doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, its my least favorite chore
9. NEVER in a million years did I think that I would have 3 kids, but I couldnt imagine my life without each one of them!
10. I am very much a girly girl, but you would never know it by looking at me
11. I love hearing about celebrity gossip 
12. I have very weird luck, if something weird is going to happen its going to happen to me
13. I hate making plans, I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants
14. I am usually late
15. I am addicted to the internet plain and simple
16. I can get along with pretty much anyone
17. I procrastinate because I do my best work under pressure.
18. I have a horrible sweet tooth!
19. I drink way to much milk
20. There are so many things that I want to do with my life, and I have yet to do enough of them
21. I love to write, but dont do it enough
22. My mom is my best friend
23. I LOVE music
24. I could wear a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops, everyday for the rest of my life and be happy
25. I actually enjoy watching ultimate fighting
26. My twin sons were born more than 2 and a half hours apart with no epidural or no drugs during the delivery

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well just a little update on the kids...Christmas was great, this year the boys really understood santa and the big picture about Christmas in general. They got a lot of really cool toys, and they were really excited Christmas morning to wake up with everything under the tree. The baby got a lot of cute things to, she really seemed to enjoy it. They are all getting so big, I cant believe that they baby is going to be 10 months here in a few days, its really hard to believe. She is starting to pull herself up on everything and starting to cruise around. We are starting to eat a lot more table food and I am bound and determinded that she will not be picky like the boys are. The boys start back to school this week, which is good for them. They really seem to do well with that structure during the day. And its nice for me to get a little break! Other than that just have been trying to get things back in order from the holidays! Joe has been home a lot these past few weeks with christmas and new years, and although it is nice to have him home, it makes things a little more stressful since he gets so restless. Other than that monday is back to the normal schedule, and hopefully things will fall into place!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 can this year be different?!?

Ever since I can remember, every year come new years I made a resolution that I NEVER followed through with. The one that every year I go back to is losing weight. And yet again this year I have vowed to lose weight. But there are some things that I am going to try to get it right.

I have many 2009 resolutions, my weight and health being at the top of my list, but here they are:

*eat better and exercise
*take better care of my family and myself
*minimal fast food and eating out
*no wasteful spending
*save more money
*recycle more
*work on my relationships with my friends and my family
*be more organized and more clean

These are things in my life that I am really going to work on, and in a strange way they are all linked. If my house is clean, I feel better, and take better care of my self and my family. When I am not spending money on junk I can save money! Less fast food mean less unhealthy choices, and also leads to saving money!

These are just a few of the things that I am going to work on, maybe in a few months I will revise this list or change it a bit. I am really going to make an effort this year, I really am. I am tired of being so big, and tired of looking the way that I do. I dont want to have a daughter that grows up in a body that she hates, and that is how I feel. I know I can lose the weight, but it is going to take a lot of work, I just hope that I still have it in me!