Wednesday, September 17, 2008

no more babies

Well the end of baby making as we know it may be over here in a few days.  Joe is going in for the big V on friday, and I really dont know what to make of it.  I am happy with the size of our family, I think that 3 is the ideal number for us, but what if down the road I want another one, a reversal is kind of out of the question because it is expensive and the dr said that the way he does it is pretty perminant.  I keep telling myself that once my brothers have babies I will have it out of my system, but I see Elyse getting bigger, and I miss her as a baby.  Im not a big fan of being pregnant but there is something about the whole process that makes you feel so good.  You grow a baby in you, its an amazing thing, aside from the morning sickness, being tired, crabby, emotional and all that jazz.  But when you feel that baby move inside of you it just makes you feel all warm inside.  And after those 9 months getting to see that baby is the best feeling in the world!  So I guess that part of my life is over (or soon will be) but a part of me might miss the possibility of all that happening again kinda makes me a bit sad.

On a side note, Amanda is pregnant, which is exciting, a bit weird thinking that my baby brother is going to have a baby!  He is going to make such an amazing father, and I am glad that he found someone that wants to start a family. They are going to make great parents!

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