Well a lot has been going on lately. The boys are pretty much potty trained...thank god! They still have accidents and we still put them in pull ups occasionally but other than that they pretty much go in the toilet! They have also been talking much clearer and using a lot more words to communicate which has made things much easier for Joe and I. They will still be going to preschool in the fall for their speech delay because they are still behind. I think it is going to help tremendously. I am so proud of them and all of their accomplishments. I never thought that I would see the day that they werent in diapers, but it has finally come!
They baby is doing a lot too, she has been rolling from her stomach to her back for about a month now and yesterday she started rolling from her back to her stomach! She is just so far ahead, she has had head control pretty much since the day she was born, she has been sleeping through the night since she was about 2 months old. Today she was putting her knees under her belly and trying to push off of them so I am pretty sure that she will be crawling in the next couple of months.
Other than that things at the Bowman household are pretty dull, Joe has been working a lot and I have been keeping busy with the kids!
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