Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the kiddos

Well a lot has been going on lately.  The boys are pretty much potty trained...thank god!  They still have accidents and we still put them in pull ups occasionally but other than that they pretty much go in the toilet!  They have also been talking much clearer and using a lot more words to communicate which has made things much easier for Joe and I.  They will still be going to preschool in the fall for their speech delay because they are still behind.  I think it is going to help tremendously.  I am so proud of them and all of their accomplishments.  I never thought that I would see the day that they werent in diapers, but it has finally come! 

They baby is doing a lot too, she has been rolling from her stomach to her back for about a month now and yesterday she started rolling from her back to her stomach!  She is just so far ahead, she has had head control pretty much since the day she was born, she has been sleeping through the night since she was about 2 months old. Today she was putting her knees under her belly and trying to push off of them so I am pretty sure that she will be crawling in the next couple of months.  

Other than that things at the Bowman household are pretty dull, Joe has been working a lot and I have been keeping busy with the kids!

Monday, July 14, 2008

april 30th

I was at Target shopping as usual, and was ready to check out, I was next in line and for some reason I got out of line and started looking again. So the store was about to close and I finally checked out at 9:55.  On my way home there were a ton of fire trucks, cop cars, and ambulances on 30.  I pulled on to randolph and they just kept passing me so I figured something bad was going on. As I got closer to home I saw a sea of blue, red and white lights, and what looked like a huge wreck. I got detoured and headed home, didnt think a whole lot of it just a bad wreak.  The next morning I got up to feed the baby and it was on the chicago news, and then the names of those in the wreak came across the screen Stephen Hough and Amy Bartlemey, I kept telling myself that cant be Stephen, there is no way that can be Stephen and his girlfriend. I signed onto myspace and looked at his page and saw her age and it said Amy B. I was hoping and praying that it wasnt them.  I waited and called my mom to see if she had heard anything from my dad, she hadnt but called him and then came the bad news it was Steve and Amy that died, hit by a drunk illegal immigrant.  
It really shook me up, I wasnt close with them by any means, just had met them a few times, but I was really, really upset about it. I couldnt believe it, he was really a great guy!  My dad was hit really hard, and I know that it killed him inside, I hurt for him. He was pretty close with him, and had known him since he was in high school.  He was just short of a month from graduating from college, he was on the right path, just quit drinking, was going to graduate, and was going to propose to Amy.  And just like that some guy ends it all.  It really affected me more than I thought that it would, and I couldnt even go to the funeral.  Every time I thought about it I broke into tears.  
I think what hit me the hardest was that the accident happened at 10:10, which would have put me right there when it happened.  I kept thinking that it could have been me, what if it was me.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Things that make me happy :)

*my kids and family*
*spending time with people i love*
*big purses...and lots of them*
*hair stuff*
*big sunglasses*
*flip flops in every color*
*gossip as long as its not about me*
*high heals*
*looking tan*
*my mac*
*white teeth*
*getting good mail*
*moments of quiet*
*long pretty eyelashes*
*pretty eyes*
*junk food*
*going out to dinner*
*my ipod*
*hearing a good song*
*clothes that make you look skinny*
*big jewelry*
*jewelry in general*
*my wedding ring*
*good weather*
*mini jean skirts*
*getting things done*
*good hair days*
*long hair*
*good curly hair days*
*good, long conversations*
*pretty nails*
*pretty toenails*
*baby girl clothes*
*cute clothes for the boys*
*finding something that you really wanted*
*good sales*
*smiling faces*
*seeing old friends*
*happy people*
*looking back at good times*
*feeling excited*
*feeling of accomplishment*
*days off*
*sleeping in*
*sex and the city*
*cool pens*
*positive people*
*getting complements*
*free stuff*
*good coupons*
*having all your clothes clean*
*fresh shaved legs*
*having all the bills paid*
*clear skin*

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I have spent the last 8 years trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.  I am getting older and still feel like I am stuck in a huge rut.  I am happy with what my life has become dont get me wrong.  I have an amazing family and friends (although a lot of those friendships arent what they were)  I love my kids and my husband.  I never thought that I would be living in a beautiful house and be able to stay at home with my kids.  But its like something is missing.  When I was in school I really did love my major and liked going to class, and now I dont have that.  I sit at home with the kids, and do laundry, dishes and clean, and I love being able to be able to do that, but I want to find that one thing that keeps me motivated.